Monday, January 8, 2024

A Review of Small Town Secrets

 I just got this personal note. I love it when this happens! I liked it so much, I asked if I could share and was granted permission. Here it is! (Have you started the Small Town series yet? Book three is live tomorrow.)


Hello talented lady.  I found this plot hit a nerve in me due to the experiences our children have had being adopted.  Sadie was told her whole life that her bio Dad was trash.  That has to be wounding.  Even though no one had anything good to say about him she wanted to meet him for herself. She had been indoctrinated by her Mom that all men were bad and would hurt you. Her Mom used her life experiences as the truth for everyone.  Caden seemed a somewhat immature veterinarian in his crazy crush on the beautiful and talented Simone.  At first I thought maybe there was going to be a better brother for Sadie as I kept reading.  Caden finally showed his caring capability and maturity as their relationship grew.  I liked her Mom finally finding a good man she could trust and marry. The family relationships were the most interesting to me.  My favorite paragraph

Families come in all shapes and sizes, and we don't get to pick who belongs... Someone once defined family as the people who have to take you in when you have nowhere else to go, but looking at all these people who I loved, I realized there would never be anywhere I'd rather be.  A house isn't a home if it isn't filled with people you love.   
 Also with as much as those two liked to smooch I am so thankful they were able to keep their clothes on.  That made me happy. 

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