Monday, June 7, 2021

#MondayMotivation: When You Encounter Holes in the Road


We had a crazy experience this week. On Friday, we went to Lake Arrowhead in search of property. (We’ve been trying to buy a lot there for several months now.) We were in an area where a gated community is being built. The listing agent gave us the gate code, so we were alone in this property of several acres. There was a large pile of dirt in the middle of the road. This, of course, did not deter us—but it should have. Boom! What we didn’t know, or couldn’t see, was there was a crevice that was about 2.5 wide and about 8 feet deep running across the road. I’m not sure how we made it to the other side. That was miracle #1. Somehow, we crossed this gulf and now we were stuck. Larry went to scout around and shortly returned with 2x4s he found on this side of the road. Miracle #2. Using a rock as a hammer and wood shards as pliers, he repurposed the nails and created a bridge shaped like a capital I. Still, when he tried to drive on it, the wood would shift. I had nightmares of the car ending up nose down in this ravine. Of course, I’m praying…and after about a nail-biting 20 minutes, a man in a white truck stops to help. Miracle #3. He was MUCH braver than me. With one foot in the dirt at the edge of the hole and one foot on Larry’s bridge, he held the wood in place while Larry drove the car to safety. Even now, days later, I get panicky just thinking of it. 

People say troubles come in threes, but so, it seems, does miracles. What do you think? Have you seen troubles or miracles come in threes?   

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