Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Bookbub and Other Adventures in Book Promotions

Tomorrow, my book Menagerie will be featured on Bookbub. It's free and first in a young adult paranormal series. You can read about the origin of Menagerie here: Menagerie and the School Visit

It's a unique story. Originally, it was to be a stand alone, but I fell in love with the characters and had a hard time letting them go. So, the one book became three. But this post isn't about Lizbet and Declan--my Menagerie characters--it's about book promotions in 2017.

I've heard other authors refer to the beginning of the self-publishing revolution as the "gold rush days." There's some truth to that. Years ago, I had a Kindle Unlimited promotion of my novel The Rhyme's Library. I didn't tell anyone about it, but Pixel of Ink (a company that I'm pretty sure doesn't even exist anymore. I just Googled them and read that they've partnered with Booksends) picked it up and in one miraculous day Library was downloaded 15,000 times. I didn't ask them to promote it, but somehow someone found it. Those days, like Pixel of Ink and other promotional companies like them, are gone.

Many authors refer to a Bookbub promotion as a golden ticket. I've had a number of Bookbub listings before, and since I wouldn't call my writing career golden, I thought I'd share tomorrow's experience. It's 4:30 p.m. the day before the promotion. You should probably also know that on Sunday, three days before the Bookbub ad, I ran E-Reader News Today and Many Books ads. I would have liked to have spaced them out more, but I was happy to get them both before the Bookbub ad so that the spike in downloads won't look like a flash in the pan to the Amazon algorithms. I don't place Facebook or Amazon ads because they scare me, and I don't place ads with promotional sites unless they've consistently performed for me. I'll follow up the Bookbub ad in the upcoming days/weeks with freebie ads.

Here's today's rankings on my Menagerie books:

Menagerie (on Sunday, this was #167 in the Amazon free store. I hope to make the top 100 tomorrow.)

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #420 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
 Melange: book two, $3.99

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #104,459 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Melee: book three, $3.99
mazon Best Sellers Rank: #274,925 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I'll post tomorrow at this same time with the results of the ad.

I didn't post yesterday because life got in the way. But here's the stats as of this morning, December 7, 2017, 5:40 a.m.

Menagerie (plus 2 five-star reviews, and one 2 star)
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #6 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
on December 7, 2017
There was something quite hauntingly beautiful about this author’s style. Intriguing plot that had enough to keep me guessing but also lead me to believe I knew what was going on.

The heroine is likeable and mysterious.

Can’t wait to read #2!
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on December 6, 2017
Well written story with just a touch of the fantastic! A little romance but not overdone, and a mystery. Loved it.
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on December 6, 2017
This was very enjoyable book to read because the authors ability to create believable characters that developed in depth throughout the span of the novel.

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