Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Time Management for Writers

Recently I had lunch with my writer friend, Michelle Knowlden and I learned so much from her! I love a learning lunch.

 She shared her writing accounting with me and I want to share it here. This is what she said:
“Status reports were something I had to do for over 30 years as an engineer.  I found they work for me.  A study was done about it, and the results created the maxim "Anything measured improves."

Franklin planners were also built around the fact that tasks prioritized and scheduled ensures that the important things get worked and finished.  An unfortunate side effect is that (I believe) they've made our lives too busy, not giving us enough time to reflect, celebrate, meditate, and refresh. But moderation in all, as they say.”

Here’s Michelle’s accounting:


Writing session with Becky on Tuesday
Have feedback from ab01 beta readers--excellent (last one received today)
Wrote a draft for ab01 novella description
Working on an ab01 first page note
Received blurb from Jackie (wonderful)
Sent requirements for ab02 cover and received it yesterday (fabulous)
Finished ab02 revision for beta readers; going through one more edit
Read ab02 Chapter 6 at Big Fict: helpful comments
No new words in ab04 (at 13075 words)
Posted An Indelible Mark blog last night
Posted Amazon review of Elise Stephens Tightrope short story and sent it to her--she was pleased
Continuing to shape new Lost Child mystery e-short story series (and created a cover)
            --Scheduling 28 June to 01 July to work first story
            --Aiming for 4200 to 5000 words
Reading through Neal's UnSould, at 420 pages, prepping for writing another Unwind novella

Watching Prophets of Science Fiction on Netflix Streaming (HG Wells)
Completed four more socks and two military caps--rests the brain
Up to Ch 01 in 2 Samuel
Memorizing James; up to 15 verses (works on cognition)

Business and Marketing
Lunch with Kristy Tate and superb brainstorming ideas for marketing
Considering other blogs/websites for marketing Abishag mysteries
Sent interview questions to DH (July), ES (August), and KT (September) for author blog interviews

Competing activities: gardening, chiro, life group, ARCE lecture, art day with Betty, met with soup kitchen team leaders for planning, Star Trek with Lori, shopping for soup kitchen.


Incorporate Big Fict comments for 2.5 chapters and final edit run
Send ab02 to beta readers
Work on ab02 chapter one to use for promo when publishing ab01
Address ab01 comments from beta readers
Prep format of ab01 myself or contact KT's formatter (decide which)
Do one more read through of ab3 Revisions--give to Kris for line edits
Finish reading UnSould; standby for collaborating on next novella
Work with Gary to prep a Fathers in the Moor chapter for the 22nd
Pick a time to finish and submit a new Micky Cardex short story to AHMM
Post a blog on 20 hour challenges or preparing raw buckwheat groats breakfast

Watch Prophets of Science Fiction on Netflix Streaming
Listening to Stephen King's 11 22 63

Business and Marketing
Write review of Dalaina May's Yielded Captive
Send Rivers in Space to DAW (or agents Becky sent)
Write blogs on Micky Cardex, variations on grilled cheese sandwiches, fig trees, muslin-ing trees, making the best of last days, 20 hour challenges
Review KTs resources: this week on blogs and reviews
Create a writers' network with a focus on marketing

So how about you? What are your tricks for accountable writing?


  1. well, I feel like an unscheduled overachiever in need of a plan.

  2. Not even close to that professional yet :). Still, maybe that's what I need...

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