Monday, September 19, 2022

Scenes from the ANWA (American Night Writers' Conference)

 At the gala, we were asked to wear a costume depicting a literary character. I chose Edgar Allen Poe's raven. Funny story. I packed the costume first, then I set out my clothes for my suitcase and noticed that all three of my blouses had birds on them. You can see one of them in this picture, although you might not be able to see the birds.
I had to put one of the bird shirts back (it hurt a little) because I didn't want to be known as the bird lady.

In case you thought writers' conferences are boring...

There were so many great workshops, and I took lots of notes. Here are a few of my favorite quotes.

Marketing is responsible for 85% of a book's success.

Success is something we chase not something we achieve.

Aim for satisfaction, not success.

The ocean is still the ocean whether the tide is in or out.

It feels good to create something beautiful simply because it's beautiful.

Books can help teens shape their personalities, provide moral compasses, and instill hope.

Teenagers are trying on personalities.

A book can change the world.

Children see books not only as mirrors but also as maps.

Reading teaches empathy and imagination.

There's nothing more healing than a healthy dose of "I'm not the only one."

Writing is constant decision making. It's okay to have decision fatigue.

Never give something you can't control power over you.

Goals are for what we can control.


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