Monday, February 11, 2013

Hailey's First Review!

So what if Hailey's Comments is #453,631 and Stealing Mercy is #72! I love them both and I love this review!
4.0 out of 5 stars fun read that will keep readers entertained February 10, 2013
By Gaele
Meet Emma, by her heart an artist, but her job is ghost writing a syndicated and very popular Agony Aunt column, named after her grandmother. When her frustration with advice giving begins to show in her answers with less pith and more bitch, Emma takes a vacation rental on a remote island to paint and prepare for a `non commercial artists' contest that would result in her work being in a prestigious gallery.

From the moment she arrives, people behave in a decidedly strange way towards her, strange men invade her rental property, the minister carries a gun, and Twinkie the Yak is not as soft and fluffy as his name indicates. With several twists, a host of potential bad guys who possibly could have murdered Helen, and a pair of oddities buying up the island, Emma is thrust into a dangerous, if slightly madcap adventure. Most of it rain soaked.

Emma is a fun heroine, although a bit of a whinger as she seems to forget what she does have, always looking for something that she cannot quite reach, as she often sabotages her own choices. Even with those moments, the secret keeping of her authorship of the column has bled over into her own life, she keeps everyone at arm's length but her dog, and that seems to have become her go to reaction to new people. She comes off as more shy and retiring than stand-offish, but it is in those moments of extreme stress that her softer side comes out and makes her far more sympathetic and relate-able. With the quick pace, the mysteries that seem to twist together like a Gordian knot and the well-meaning but ever interfering grandmother this is a fun read that will keep readers entertained.

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